Concert by Melpomena, on 6/06

Musical Interludes

The duo “Melpomena” was born from the meeting of two musicians Marie-Christine and Paulien. It was their passion for the harp that brought them together before extending their duet to singing and harp. Melpomena offers you the harmony of the vocal chords with those of the harp: endowed with a warm and soft voice joining the harp’s timbre, Paulien, accompanied by Marie-Christine with the harp, will make your hearts and emotions vibrate.

Included in your entrance ticket

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🇫🇷 Chers visiteurs, notre musée vous accueillera jusque 15h ce vendredi 26 avril et fermera ses portes à 16h. Veillez à respecter cet horaire. Merci de votre compréhension, les équipes du musées 🌹

🇳🇱 Beste bezoekers, ons museum verwelkomt u tot 15.00 uur deze vrijdag 26 april en sluit de deuren om 16.00 uur. Gelieve dit schema te respecteren. Dank u voor uw begrip, de teams van het museum 🌹