
  • Individual visitors

    Individual visitors

    Visit the museum (guided tour or audioguide) and discover our medicinal herb garden (audioguide). The museum is open : from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm (last entrance at 4.45pm) / Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays, from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm (last entrance at 5.15 pm). Closed on Mondays (except Public…

  • Groups


    Passion is contagious… Our guides will be happy to share stories, knowledge and emotions with you. Moments of discussion and questioning will be offered to each of our visitors, regardless of the type of guided tour developed by the museum team. Sharing an experience is essential to us. Groups are welcomed from Tuesday to Sunday,…

  • Press

Snacks in the Écuelle.

The Horeca team of the Hospital Notre-Dame à la Rose offers a quality catering
for groups and companies.

Group Menu 2024.



  • Saturday May 18, International Museum Day

    Saturday May 18, International Museum Day

    Take part in an immersive and interactive tour, guided by a doctor. Discover step by step the daily life at the Hospital. You will have the opportunity to prepare an ointment following an ancestral recipe or to set up the necessary equipment for a bloodletting… FREE activity as part of International Museum Day Number of…

  • Exhibition “Relation between plants and insects”

    The gardens of the Hospital Notre-Dame à la Rose welcome the exhibition “Relations Insect-Plant ” of the Botanical Garden Jean Massart . The photographs exposed through the garden of the Hospital Notre-Dame à la Rose are the work of a dozen photographers (amateur or not) who crossed the Garden Jean Massart for several years. Each…

Wallonie picarde is a vast and inviting green plain containing 330,000 inhabitants and located at the edge of Lille, Brussels, Mons and Courtrai. It comprises 23 municipalities, 2 natural parks (Pays des Collines and Plaines de l’Escaut) and 6 heritage and commercial towns (Tournai, Ath, Enghien, Lessines, Péruwelz and Mouscron).

It offers its inhabitants and visitors a wide range of outdoor entertainment, miles of walks in a protected natural environment and many festive and sociable events.

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𝗙𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗲 𝗷𝗲𝘂𝗱𝗶 𝟭𝟵 𝘀𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 ! ⚡

En raison d'une intervention sur le réseau électrique de notre site, l'Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose se voit contraint de fermer toute la journée. 😔

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser pour ce désagrément et sommes impatients de vous revoir dès ce vendredi 20 septembre à 9h30 (horaires habituels) ! 🕛

Merci de votre compréhension,

Les équipes du musée de l'Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose 🌹

Sluiting op donderdag 19 september 2024!

Wegens werkzaamheden aan het elektriciteitsnetwerk van ons terrein is het Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose genoodzaakt de hele dag te sluiten.

Wij vragen u vriendelijk ons te verontschuldigen voor dit ongemak en wij kijken ernaar uit u weer te zien vanaf vrijdag 20 september om 9.30 uur (gebruikelijke openingstijden)!

Dank u voor uw begrip,

De teams van het museum van het Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose

Closure this Thursday, September 19, 2024!

Due to an intervention on the electrical network of our site, the Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose will be forced to close for the entire day.

We kindly ask you to excuse us for this inconvenience and we look forward to seeing you again starting this Friday, September 20, at 9:30 AM (regular hours)!

Thank you for your understanding,

The teams of the Hôpital Notre-Dame à la Rose Museum